HOFI safety eyewear is available with a variety of lens coating options to allow safe working in a wide array of applications, including Anti-Scratch Coating, Anti-Fog Coating, Silver Mirror Coating and Color Mirror Coating. Our exclusive SUPLID™ and SUPLID FOG™ coating technology also features on specific products to bolster durability and help extend service life.


In the field, all parts of a lens can be subject to the harshest of conditions. That's why SUPLID™ and SUPLID FOG™ coatings are bonded and cured for the life of the product on BOTH sides of the lenses, giving you excellent resistance to scratching or both of scratching and fogging.

Specifically, the anti-fog performance of the SUPLID FOG™ coating goes far beyond the minimum level necessary to achieve the EN166 standard.


SUPLID™ is a advanced, high performance anti-scratch coating. Models with the SUPLID coating offer exceptional resistance to scratching as well as excellent abrasion resistance. SUPLID features on all the HOFI range as standard.

Ideal for those needing vision clarity and wishing to maximize the lifespan of their safety eyewear.


SUPLID FOG™ is a state-of-the art, high performance anti-scratch and anti-fog coating. Foggy lens often lead to injury and unsatisfied during wearing, while lens with SUPLID FOG coting could against humid and hot condition prevent dangerous result unclear lens. The anti-fog performance far exceeds the requirement of EN 166 standard.

Ideal for those exposed to changeable environmental conditions, seeking vision clarity.